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Program 2024

Thursday September 19th

Arrival on site in the morning for working groups
Arrival on site in the morning for participants
Welcome buffet in the evening

Friday September 20th


8.30 AM - 8.45 AM



8.45 AM - 10.15 AM

Bacterial: New drugs - Duration of therapy - Febrile neutropenia

Andreas Groll
Christine Robin                                  

10.15 AM - 10.45 AM

Coffee break


10.45 AM - 12.00 AM

Clostridioides difficile infections in patients with hematological malignancies 

 Lidia Gil
Roy Chemaly

12.00 PM - 12.45 PM

Update on antifungal prophylaxis

Alessandro Busca
Catherine Cordonnier

12.45 PM - 1.45PM

Lunch break


1.45 PM - 3.15 PM

Update on COVID-19 and respiratory infections

Ola Blennow
Nicole Blijlevens

3.15 PM - 4.30 PM

Update on cytomegalovirus infections

Rafael de la Camara
Johan Maertens

4.30 PM - 5.00 PM

Coffee break


5.00 PM - 7.00 PM

Restricted meetings of guideline revision

8.00 PM





 Saturday September 21st


9.00 AM - 10.00 AM

 Presentation of the revised guidelines

 All leaders              

10.00 AM - 10.30 AM

Coffee break


10.30 AM - 11.30 AM

Presentation of the revised guidelines

 All leaders

11.30 AM - 11.45 AM



12.00 PM

End of the meeting - Lunch on site